Poszetka extension

Poszetka extension
Poszetka is a family business that produces men's accessories, such as ties, flies, cravats, pans. Their products are sewn locally and manually from the highest quality materials and with attention to detail. This is craftsmanship of the highest quality. The store has been operating for several years in Katowice's Koszutka. We had the honor of designing its extension which enlarged the store's surface and created new space for the tailor's workshop. Despite the division of the interior into two rooms and a clear border between the studio and the store, the rooms subtly intermingle with each other and form one cohesive space.
Selected materials and finishing enter into a dialogue with the space of an existing store. Gray screed on the floor and dark wood on the walls reapered in the new space. We introduced raw steel shelves and hangers. Everything, however, is designed to highlight and display the most important objects- products themselves. The tailor's workshop visible from the street is eye-catching. This space was arranged by using simple solutions, i.e. creating a storage space on the mezzanine and placing a steel shelves unit for products on the wall. As a result the workshop has also became visually attractive for actual clients and for passers-by looking through a beautiful, large store window. Neon lighting is an additional detail that makes this place to stand out, illuminating the workshop at night.
Thanks to simple and unobtrusive solutions, we have managed to create an interior that on the one hand is the perfect background for the products themselves, and on the other hand, stands out due to its refined detail and high quality materials. In the whole process we succeeded in maintaining the craftsman like character of the place.



Joanna Kubieniec
Katowice, Poland
52 sqm
Janina Tyńska
Sporty Budowlane
AMBOS Kowalstwo artystyczne